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designer_stats: Using client & server tech for browser detection

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StarStarStarStar 66%Total: 3,304 All time: 1,050 This week: 146Up
Version License Categories
designer_stats 1.0.0GNU Lesser Genera...Statistics, Flash


This is not a full blown web traffic anaylsis tool that records everything about everybody, everywhere. It does not access web logs, require or keep them.

This is a system to get straight to the heart of what we need to know as web designers/developers.

* How backwards compatable to we need to go?
* What version of flash can we get away with?
* What browser/multimedia technology does our target audience use?
* Do we need to look at a multi-lingual version?
* What percent of our audience need to download <...> plugin?
* Do I really need to test <...> on <...> browser on <...> platform?

Picture of Rodney Greenfield
Name: Rodney Greenfield <contact>
Classes: 1 package by
Country: New Zealand New Zealand
Age: 47
All time rank: 9667 in New Zealand New Zealand
Week rank: 199 Up2 in New Zealand New Zealand Up


Documentation for 'Designer-Stats' Copyright (C) 2002 by Isurgery Limited. by Rodney Greenfield <> This is not a full blown web traffic anaylsis tool that records everything about everybody, everywhere. It does not access web logs, require or keep them. This is a system to get straight to the heart of what we need to know as web designers/developers. * How backwards compatable to we need to go? * What version of flash can we get away with? * What browser/multimedia technology does our target audience use? * Do we need to look at a multi-lingual version? * What percent of our audience need to download <...> plugin? * Do I really need to test <...> on <...> browser on <...> platform? Step 1. If you have a mySQL database, run the sql script titled 'mysql_traffic_summary_table.sql' into the site's database. If you aren't using mySQL, create a matching table with the field names / types specified in 'mysql_traffic_summary_table.sql' file. You may need to use a database abstraction layer ADODB to bridge between your database the these classses. See for information on how to download this functionality. Step 2. Use 'sample_page_to_analyse.php' for a usage example of how to include full browser detection in your project. Edit the page parameters to match your datase and functionally requirements. Step 3. Create or use 'sample_traffic_summary.php' to view the data collected. The graphics for 'sample_traffic_summary.php' are avaliable from

  Files folder image Files (6)  
File Role Description
Plain text file designer_stats.class.php Class statists presentation
Plain text file detect.class.php Class detection class
Accessible without login Plain text file mysql_traffic_summary_table.sql Aux. sql
Accessible without login Plain text file README.TXT Doc. Doc
Accessible without login Plain text file sample_page_to_analyse.php Example Detect this
Accessible without login Plain text file sample_traffic_summary.php Example Display Mechanism

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