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Gantt Chart Class: Generate project progress Gantt charts

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gantt 1.0.0GNU Lesser Genera...4Graphics, Project Management


This class can be used to generate project planning and progress report Gantt charts.

It takes all the definitions of the chart details from associative arrays that are passed to the class constructor function.

The class supports the definition of details of project task groups, initial planned work, adjusted plan, real work done, progress (percentage done), milestones (products/objectives) and legend.

Several chart presentation details can be configured like the colors, row height, block height of blocks, where the blocks begin, text fonts, locale date formatting, legend titles, graphic scale (day, week or month), transparency of bars, lines (dependency) and icon (milestones).

The chart graphics are rendered using the PHP GD library functions. The charts are by default outputted in the PNG format, but can be also gif ou jpeg and saved to a file.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
December 2005
Number 3

Prize: One book of choice by O'Reilly
Gantt charts are very useful for software development managers. This kind of charts can give a good overview of the progress of a project and its milestones.

This class can generate Gantt charts from the details of a project provided by the means of a PHP script.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Alexandre Miguel de Andrade Souza
Name: Alexandre Miguel de ... is available for providing paid consulting. Contact Alexandre Miguel de ... .
Classes: 1 package by
Country: Brazil Brazil
Age: 51
All time rank: 31725 in Brazil Brazil
Week rank: 170 Up12 in Brazil Brazil Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 1x




gantt php class example and configuration file
this example shows a full example with all resources
and dependencies
version 0.1
Copyright (C) 2005 Alexandre Miguel de Andrade Souza

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License.
Please see the accompanying file COPYING for licensing details!

If you need a commercial license of this class to your project, please contact
include 'gantt.class.php';

//generic definitions to graphic, you dont need to change this. Only if you want
$definitions['title_y'] = 10; // absolute vertical position in pixels -> title string
$definitions['planned']['y'] = 6; // relative vertical position in pixels -> planned/baseline
$definitions['planned']['height']= 8; // height in pixels -> planned/baseline
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['y'] = 25; // relative vertical position in pixels -> adjusted planning
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['height']= 8; // height in pixels -> adjusted planning
$definitions['real']['y']=26; // relative vertical position in pixels -> real/realized time
$definitions['real']['height']=5; // height in pixels -> real/realized time
$definitions['progress']['y']=11; // relative vertical position in pixels -> progress
$definitions['progress']['height']=2; // height in pixels -> progress
$definitions['img_bg_color'] = array(204, 204, 255); //color of background
$definitions['title_color'] = array(255, 255, 255); //color of title
$definitions['text']['color'] = array(0, 0, 0); //color of title
$definitions['title_bg_color'] = array(0, 0, 128); //color of background of title
$definitions['milestone']['title_bg_color'] = array(204, 204, 230); //color of background of title of milestone
$definitions['today']['color']=array(0, 204, 0); //color of today line
$definitions['status_report']['color']=array(255, 50, 0); //color of last status report line
$definitions['real']['hachured_color']=array(204,0, 0);// color of hachured of real. to not have hachured, set to same color of real
$definitions['workday_color'] = array(255, 255, 255 ); //white -> default color of the grid to workdays
$definitions['grid_color'] = array(218, 218, 218); //default color of weekend days in the grid
$definitions['groups']['color'] = array(0, 0, 0);// set color of groups
$definitions['groups']['bg_color'] = array(180,180, 180);// set color of background to groups title
$definitions['planned']['color']=array(255, 143, 4);// set color of initial planning/baseline
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['color']=array(0, 0, 204); // set color of adjusted planning
$definitions['real']['color']=array(255, 255,255);//set color of work done
$definitions['progress']['color']=array(0,255,0); // set color of progress/percentage completed
$definitions['milestones']['color'] = array(254, 54, 50); //set the color to milestone icon

//if you want a ttf font set this values
// just donwload a ttf font and set the path
// find ttf fonts at -> more than 6500 free fonts
//$definitions['text']['ttfont']['file'] = './Arial.ttf'; // set path and filename of ttf font -> coment to use gd fonts
//$definitions['text']['ttfont']['size'] = '11'; // used only with ttf
//define font colors
//$definitions['title']['ttfont']['file'] = './ActionIs.ttf'; // set path and filename of ttf font -> coment to use gd fonts
//$definitions['title']['ttfont']['size'] = '11'; // used only with ttf

// these are default value if not set a ttf font
$definitions['text_font'] = 3; //define the font to text -> 1 to 4 (gd fonts)
$definitions['title_font'] = 3; //define the font to title -> 1 to 4 (gd fonts)

//define font colors
$definitions["group"]['text_color'] = array(255,104,104);
$definitions["legend"]['text_color'] = array(104,04,104);
$definitions["milestone"]['text_color'] = array(204,04,104);
$definitions["phase"]['text_color'] = array(204,250,104);

// set to 1 to a continuous line
$definitions['status_report']['pixels'] = 15; //set the number of pixels to line interval
$definitions['today']['pixels'] = 10; //set the number of pixels to line interval

// set colors to dependency lines -> both dependency planned(baseline) and dependency (adjusted planning)
$definitions['dependency_color'][END_TO_START]=array(0, 0, 0);//black
$definitions['dependency_color'][START_TO_START]=array(0, 0, 0);//black
$definitions['dependency_color'][END_TO_END]=array(0, 0, 0);//black
$definitions['dependency_color'][START_TO_END]=array(0, 0, 0);//black

//set the alpha (tranparency) to colors of bars/icons/lines
$definitions['planned']['alpha'] = 40; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['alpha'] = 40; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['real']['alpha'] = 0; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['progress']['alpha'] = 0; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['groups']['alpha'] = 40; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['today']['alpha']= 80; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['status_report']['alpha']= 10; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['dependency']['alpha']= 80; //transparency -> 0-100
$definitions['milestones']['alpha']= 40; //transparency -> 0-100

// set the legends strings
$definitions['planned']['legend'] = 'INITIAL PLANNING';
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['legend'] = 'ADJUSTED PLANNING';
$definitions['real']['legend'] = 'REALIZED';
$definitions['progress']['legend'] = 'PROGRESS';
$definitions['milestone']['legend'] = 'MILESTONE';
$definitions['today']['legend'] = 'TODAY';
$definitions['status_report']['legend'] = 'LAST STATUS REPORT';

//set the size of each day in the grid for each scale
$definitions['limit']['cell']['m'] = '4'; // size of cells (each day)
$definitions['limit']['cell']['w'] = '8'; // size of cells (each day)
$definitions['limit']['cell']['d'] = '20';// size of cells (each day)

//set the initial positions of the grid (x,y)
$definitions['grid']['x'] = 180; // initial position of the grix (x)
$definitions['grid']['y'] = 40; // initial position of the grix (y)

//set the height of each row of phases/phases -> groups and milestone rows will have half of this height
$definitions['row']['height'] = 40; // height of each row

$definitions['legend']['y'] = 85; // initial position of legent (height of image - y)
$definitions['legend']['x'] = 150; // distance between two cols of the legend
$definitions['legend']['y_'] = 35; //distance between the image bottom and legend botton
$definitions['legend']['ydiff'] = 20; //diference between lines of legend

//other settings
$definitions['progress']['bar_type']='planned'; // if you want set progress bar on planned bar (the x point), if not set, default is on planned_adjusted bar -> you need to adjust $definitions['progress']['y'] to progress y stay over planned bar or whatever you want;
$definitions["not_show_groups"] = false; // if set to true not show groups, but still need to set phases to a group

//global definitions to graphic
// change to you project data/needs
$definitions['title_string'] = "project x "; //project title
$definitions['locale'] = "en";//change to language you need -> en = english, pt_BR = Brazilian Portuguese etc
//define the scale of the chart
$definitions['limit']['detail'] = 'w'; //w week, m month , d day

//define data information about the graphic. this limits will be adjusted in month and week scales to fit to
//start of month of start date and end of month in end date, when the scale is month
// and to start of week of start date and end of week in the end date, when the scale is week
$definitions['limit']['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,12,1,2004); //these settings will define the size of
$definitions['limit']['end'] = mktime(23,59,59,2,28,2005); //graphic and time limits

// define the data to draw a line as "today"
$definitions['today']['data']= mktime(0,0,0,1,19,2005); //time();//draw a line in this date

// define the data to draw a line as "last status report"
$definitions['status_report']['data']= mktime(0,0,0,1,12,2005); //time();//draw a line in this date

// use loops to define these variables with database data

// you need to set groups to graphic be created
$definitions['groups']['group'][0]['name'] = "Group One";
$definitions['groups']['group'][0]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,12,2,2004);
$definitions['groups']['group'][0]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,2,27,2005);

// increase the number to add another group
$definitions['groups']['group'][1]['name'] = "Group Two";
$definitions['groups']['group'][1]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,12,28,2004);
$definitions['groups']['group'][1]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,2,27,2005);

// you need to set a group to every phase(=phase) to show it rigth
// 'group'][0] -> 0 is the number of the group to associate phases
// ['phase'][0] = 0; 0 and 0 > the same value -> is the number of the phase to associate to group
$definitions['groups']['group'][0]['phase'][0] = 0;
$definitions['groups']['group'][1]['phase'][1] = 1;

//you have to set planned phase name even when show only planned adjusted
$definitions['planned']['phase'][0]['name'] = 'task b';

//define the start and end of each phase. Set only what you want/need to show. Not defined values will not draws bars
$definitions['planned']['phase'][0]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,12,2,2004);
$definitions['planned']['phase'][0]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,1,14,2005);
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['phase'][0]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,12,2,2004);
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['phase'][0]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,1,18,2005);
$definitions['real']['phase'][0]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,12,28,2004);
$definitions['real']['phase'][0]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,1,14,2005);

//define a percentage/progress to phase. Set only if you want.

//Example of a second phase.
$definitions['planned']['phase'][1]['name'] = 'task xyz';
$definitions['planned']['phase'][1]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,1,14,2005);
$definitions['planned']['phase'][1]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,2,23,2005);
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['phase'][1]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2005);
$definitions['planned_adjusted']['phase'][1]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,1,12,2005);
//$definitions['real']['phase'][1]['start'] = mktime(0,0,0,1,23,2005);
//$definitions['real']['phase'][1]['end'] = mktime(0,0,0,2,27,2005);

//dependencies to planned array -> type can be END_TO_START, START_TO_START, END_TO_END and START_TO_END

$definitions['dependency_planned'][0]['type']= END_TO_START;

//Examples of another types of dependencies
$definitions['dependency_planned'][1]['type']= START_TO_START;

$definitions['dependency_planned'][2]['type']= END_TO_END;

$definitions['dependency_planned'][3]['type']= START_TO_END;

//dependencies to adjusted planned array -> type can be END_TO_START, START_TO_START, END_TO_END and START_TO_END

$definitions['dependency'][0]['type']= END_TO_START;
 // another examples of dependencies
 $definitions['dependency'][1]['type']= START_TO_START;
$definitions['dependency'][2]['type']= END_TO_END;
$definitions['dependency'][3]['type']= START_TO_END;

// milestones are products or objectives of project. Set if you want. In this case, you need to set
// a data, a title and a group to each milestone
$definitions['milestones']['milestone'][0]['data']= mktime(0,0,0,2,25,2005);
$definitions['milestones']['milestone'][0]['title']='MILESTONE ONE';
//define a group to milestone
$definitions['groups']['group'][0]['milestone'][0]=0; //need to set a group to show


// THE END -> generate the graphic

$definitions['image']['type']= 'png'; // can be png, jpg, gif -> if not set default is png
//$definitions['image']['filename'] = "file.ext"'; // can be set if you prefer save image as a file
$definitions['image']['jpg_quality'] = 100; // quality value for jpeg imagens -> if not set default is 100

new gantt($definitions);


Screenshots (1)  
  • fullexample_month.png
  Files folder image Files (5)  
File Role Description
Accessible without login Plain text file example.php Example full example to create gantt charts with gantt.class.php
Plain text file adjusted_only.php Example example to show only the adjusted planning
Plain text file baseline_only.php Example example to show only the initial planning
Plain text file gantt.class.php Class class to generate gantt charts

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