Ratings | | Unique User Downloads | | Download Rankings |
Not enough user ratings | | Total: 27 | | All time: 11,180 This week: 206 |
Description | | Author |
This package is specific mainly for applications used in Brazil .
This package can get information about public tenders in São Paulo, Brazil.
It provides REST API to return information about current public tenders going on by retrieving information from the government site concursopublico.sp.gov.br.
Currently it provides information about the next public tenders, which are still opened, the ones that are going on, and the ones that are closed. Innovation Award
February 2017
Number 17 |
Public tenders are organized frequently around the world to give opportunity to different people to apply to jobs in public companies.
This package can get information about public tenders in São Paulo, Brazil, so people interested in the available jobs can process the information according to their interests.
Manuel Lemos |
| |
Innovation award
Nominee: 5x |
require_once __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use DOLucas\Concurso\Service\Teste;
use DOLucas\Concurso\Service\ConcursoService;
use DOLucas\Concurso\Service\ReceiverService;
use DOLucas\Concurso\Mapper\ReceiverMapper;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse;
$app['debug'] = false;
$app['service.concurso'] = function() use ($app) {
return new ConcursoService($app['urls']());
$app['service.receiver'] = function() use ($app) {
$receiverMapper = new ReceiverMapper(__DIR__ . '/../storage/data.json');
return new ReceiverService($app['service.concurso'], $receiverMapper);
* Notificação de concursos abertos por e-mail
$app->get('/notify', function () use ($app) {
$emails = $app['service.receiver']->notify();
return new JsonResponse([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Alertas enviados com sucesso',
'sent_at' => new DateTime(),
'emails' => $emails
* API JSON de concursos
$app->get('/api/concursos/{status}', function ($status) use ($app) {
$concursos = $app['service.concurso']->getConcursos($status);
return new JsonResponse($concursos);
API JSON e notificação por e-mail de concursos públicos
Aplicação para enviar email quando encontrar inscrições de concursos públicos abertas, com API JSON.
git clone https://github.com/deoliveiralucas/notificacao-concurso-publico.git
cd notificacao-concurso-publico
composer install
php -S localhost:8888 -t public
Renomeie o arquivo `storage/data.json.example` para `storage/data.json` e adicione seus dados.
Url para enviar notificações `[GET] /notify`
API concursos
Próximos concursos
`[GET] /api/concursos/proximo`
Concursos abertos
`[GET] /api/concursos/aberto`
Concursos em andamento
`[GET] /api/concursos/andamento`
Concursos encerrado
`[GET] /api/concursos/encerrado`
Applications that use this package |
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