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  Classes of Richard Heyes   XML Db Schema Interpreter   Download  
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Class: XML Db Schema Interpreter
Interprets database schemas written in XML
Author: By
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Date: 24 years ago
Size: 7,139 bytes


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s<?php /*************************************** ** Title........: XML Database Interpreter ** Filename.....: xml.db.interpreter.php ** Author.......: Richard Heyes ** Version......: 1.0 ** Notes........: ** Last changed.: 7/8/2000 ** Last change..: ***************************************/ class xml_dbas{ var $xml; var $data; var $temp_sql; var $table_options; var $sql = array(); var $fields = array(); var $sql_errors = array(); /*************************************** ** Constructor function. Creates the xml ** parser. ***************************************/ function xml_dbas(){ $this->xml = xml_parser_create(); xml_set_object($this->xml, &$this); } /*************************************** ** Accessor function for $sql ***************************************/ function get_sql(){ return $this->sql; } /*************************************** ** Accessor function for $sql_errors ***************************************/ function get_sql_errors(){ return $this->sql_errors; } /*************************************** ** Accessor function for $data ***************************************/ function get_data(){ return $this->data; } /*************************************** ** Start element function. ***************************************/ function start_element($xml, $element, $attributes){ switch($element){ case 'DATABASE': if(isset($attributes['IF_NOT_EXISTS']) AND $attributes['IF_NOT_EXISTS'] == 'yes') $if_not_exists = 'IF NOT EXISTS '; else $if_not_exists = ''; $this->sql[] = 'CREATE DATABASE '.$if_not_exists.$attributes['NAME']; $this->sql[] = 'USE '.$attributes['NAME']; break; case 'TABLE': if(isset($attributes['TEMPORARY']) AND $attributes['TEMPORARY'] == 'yes') $temporary = 'TEMPORARY '; else $temporary = ''; if(isset($attributes['IF_NOT_EXISTS']) AND $attributes['IF_NOT_EXISTS'] == 'yes') $if_not_exists = 'IF NOT EXISTS '; else $if_not_exists = ''; if(isset($attributes['OPTIONS']) AND $attributes['OPTIONS'] != '') $this->table_options = ' '.$attributes['OPTIONS']; else $this->table_options = ''; $this->temp_sql = 'CREATE '.$temporary.'TABLE '.$if_not_exists.$attributes['NAME'].' ('; break; case 'FIELD': $temp_var = $attributes['NAME'].' '.$attributes['TYPE'].'('.$attributes['SIZE'].')'; if(isset($attributes['NULL']) AND $attributes['NULL'] == 'no') $temp_var.= ' NOT NULL'; else $temp_var .= ' NULL'; if(isset($attributes['DEFAULT'])) $temp_var .= " DEFAULT '".$attributes['DEFAULT']."'"; if(isset($attributes['EXTRA'])) $temp_var .= ' '.$attributes['EXTRA']; $this->fields[] = $temp_var; break; case 'KEY': if(isset($attributes['TYPE']) AND $attributes['TYPE'] == 'primary') $this->fields[] = 'PRIMARY KEY ('.$attributes['FIELD'].')'; if(isset($attributes['TYPE']) AND $attributes['TYPE'] == 'unique') $this->fields[] = 'UNIQUE '.$attributes['NAME'].' ('.$attributes['FIELD'].')'; if(isset($attributes['TYPE']) AND $attributes['TYPE'] == 'index') $this->fields[] = 'INDEX '.$attributes['NAME'].' ('.$attributes['FIELD'].')'; break; default: break; } } /*************************************** ** End element function. ***************************************/ function end_element($xml, $element){ switch($element){ case 'TABLE': $this->sql[] = $this->temp_sql.implode(', ', $this->fields).')'.$this->table_options; $this->temp_sql = ''; $this->fields = array(); break; default: break; } } /*************************************** ** Retrieve the schema of the database. ** Second argument: ** TRUE = is file ** FALSE = is data ***************************************/ function set_schema($data, $is_file){ if($is_file == TRUE){ if($fp = fopen($data, 'r')){ $this->data = fread($fp, filesize($data)); fclose($fp); }else{ return('Error: Unable to open file.'); } }else{ $this->data = $data; } } /*************************************** ** Parse the bugger. ***************************************/ function parse_schema(){ xml_parser_set_option($this->xml, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, TRUE); xml_set_element_handler($this->xml, 'start_element', 'end_element'); xml_parse($this->xml, $this->data); } /*************************************** ** Function to execute the sql. ***************************************/ function create_dbas($host, $user, $pass, $database = ''){ $connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if($database != '') mysql_select_db($database, $connection); for($i=0; $i<count($this->sql); $i++) mysql_query($this->sql[$i], $connection) OR $this->sql_errors[] = mysql_error($connection); } } // End of class. ?>